NLP Coaching

NLP Leadership Coaching – What is it?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, aka NLP, is one of the very successful techniques in therapy, self-help, education, sports, performance, and corporate training. The process of learning NLP is NLP coaching, where experts train people on how to make the most out of their time by being less prone to emotions and channelizing them in a constructive way. Without any more introductory lines, let’s jump right into the topic and see what NLP is and how it works to improve the life and work of people.

What is NLP?

First things first, what is NLP? NLP, on a basic level, is a technique, meant to make a person able to control their emotions and thoughts in order to help them focus more on the task they have at hand. This will ultimately help them improve their work and personal lives.

NLP began back in the 1960s, when computer science graduates Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who had an interest in psychotherapy, studied the work of a number of therapists and found out that Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir had a better approach to therapy than the other therapists of that time. The two colleagues studied them in detail and then the work of Milton H Ericson and came up with Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

NLP uses a number of Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques and strategies designed in a way to achieve the wanted results. Different NLP techniques have entirely different outcomes.

NLP and Leadership

Not all the superstar players become coaches or even the captains, because it is a different thing to perform on the field and a totally different thing to lead a team or train them. Leadership calls for a number of intrinsic as well as learned qualities that are necessary to be a good leader.

NLP is about changing the way you look at the world, it helps break your prejudices and stereotypes while helping you to control your emotions and work better under a stressed environment. So NLP, helps you improve the way you communicate, verbally, nonverbally and emotionally. Effective communication is the key to any successful human-to-human interaction. NLP can help you master the act of expressing exactly what is right to express and filter out the emotions, gestures, feelings, and words that are not right according to the situation.  

NLP Leadership Coaching

What are the best qualities an organization looks for in a person when hiring? Is it their skill, competency, and talent as a technical staff member or is it the ability to lead like a seasoned leader? What if you get both in one package? How, do you think, would an employee prove useful to you if they have cutting edge technical expertise and strong nerves to handle all the stress of being a leader? That is the ideal employee any organization or business can ask for. NLP is the only leadership coaching technique that can prepare such a man.

The problem most businesses face is that the technical employees who are good at the technical stuff get promoted easily and make it to the higher-up position in the organization. While their technical talent might be unquestionable, you can’t say for sure a good technocrat would make a good leader and more often than not they don’t.

This is where NLP leadership coaching comes into play. NLP, when added to the set of training tools used to fine-tune the manager and leader level employees, helps them attain a flexible behavior, improved performance, and more stability.

NLP Coaching can help the leaders and managers gain the skills including but not limited to the following:

  • First and foremost, understanding themselves on a much deeper level. NLP opens one’s own self to them so that they can know who they are and can tame themselves in a constructive way.
  • Improved communication skills, making them better at getting information through to peers, seniors, and subordinates. NLP incorporates a set pattern of thinking and processing information in the mind that makes the person communicate using just the right words, to-the-point format and a structure that attracts and grabs the attention of the audience.
  • Increased clarity about what they want, a necessary quality to have as a leader who can provide strong and clear direction and keep the team focused to attain their goal
  • A deeper understanding of the art of systemic communication with their team and with other teams as well.
  • A better command and control over the delicate art of non-verbal communication – better control of emotions. They can use their emotions to their favor instead of giving in to them
  • It enables them to develop a sense of understanding the thinking process and emotional details of their team as well as the team as a whole, giving them a better view over and control of the team they are leading
  • They get better at thinking out of the box and look at things from a broader perspective. A specific NLP technique that helps with this is “Perceptual Positions”. It can be helpful in resolving disputes and generating new ideas and approaches to a problem.
  • It gives them a keen eye to build a model of the behaviors and actions of other successful people and adopt them if necessary
  • Last but not the least, be a better leader as well as a worker on a whole

NLP might be a newer science but it has s evidence to support that it can actually make things better for people. While it gives leaders the qualities necessary to lead, it can make life easier and more efficient at a personal level.


If you are a business owner and are looking to incorporate NLP in the set of your leaders’ and managers’ training, you might incur some additional costs in the start but the benefits will eventually outdo the costs you pay. You’d only pay once and have the benefit forever.

If you are looking to get NLP for yourself, you will notice a considerable improvement in yourself and better control on your life. After all, it is quite an art to control the emotions and the expressions that come with them and once you master that art success is easier personal or corporate.


"You are the architect of your own life. You are totally capable of designing and living a masterpiece if you choose"

John Assaraf